About WholeYouNYC
We place people at the center of care
Our Story
Health inequities among New Yorkers are large, persistent, and increasing. The challenge to living a long and healthy life depends on whether a person lives in a safe neighborhood; experiences racism or discrimination; has access to medical care, food and stable housing; or has adequate income, knowledge and opportunities to make healthy choices.
Additionally, despite spending $10,000 per person on healthcare in New York each year, our systems fail to support a person’s health outside the four walls of medical care organizations.
A lot of that has to do with the fact that when a person is referred from healthcare organizations to social services, there is little follow-up to ensure that the person receives the help they need. On the other hand, even though thousands of social services and other community resources exist in New York City, poor coordination between these resources means that New Yorkers are often unable to get the help they need even when it exists in their own backyard.
New Yorkers continue to have some of the worst health outcomes in the United States, despite all the systems already in place to support good health.
Together, these disjointed systems place the burden on the person to find their own care, deal with multiple agencies, and go through a time-consuming process of locating and coordinating various resources. The result? New Yorkers continue to have some of the worst health outcomes in the United States, despite all the systems already in place to support good health.
Public Health Solutions’ WholeYouNYC aims to solve these problems by placing people at the center of care and connecting them with a network of resources to address their unmet needs. This trustworthy and reliable community resource network brings together over 500 organizations that offer 800+ programs across all boroughs of New York City ranging from food, housing, employment, legal aid, youth training and development, health insurance, maternal support, sexual health services, and so much more.
The Roadmap Advocacy Coalition is a diverse, multidisciplinary stakeholder group that was formed to advise and inform the work of WholeYouNYC. The group is broadly representative of the diverse communities PHS serves and includes representatives of organizations large and small. In addition to ensuring that WholeYouNYC is person-centered and responsive to community priorities, the coalition also advocates for the policies and practices that will support the network’s long-term sustainability and impact on health equity in NYC.
Our Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is composed of dedicated members of our WholeYouNYC network who volunteer their expertise to support and uplift the communities we serve. Their collective commitment helps drive impactful solutions that address the health and well-being of residents across New York City.
Sudha Acharya, South Asian Council for Social Services
Adam Aponte, East Harlem Council for Human Services
Faven Araya, Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health
Rhonda Braxton, Children's Aid
Deborah Brown, Health & Hospitals
Ruth Browne, PHS Board Member and Chair, Ronald McDonald House
Hewett Chiu, RaisingHealth Partners
Ivy Gamble Cobb, The Family Center
Marco Damiani, AHRC New York City
Sharen Duke, Alliance for Positive Change
Fabienne Laraque, NYC Department of Social Services
Aida Meija
Jonathan McLean, CASES
Christal Montague, Outreach Development Corporation
Michelle Morse, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Rabbi David Niederman, United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg
Beverly Raudales, Comunilife
Rosita Romero, Dominican Women's Development Center
Kanchana Suggu, United Way of NYC
Dorella Walters, God's Love We Deliver
Binyomin Yormark
Yuna Youn, Korean Community Services